Police Words 400+ Words Related to Police . Below is a massive list of police words that is, words related to police . The top 4 are: gendarmerie, france, military and crime. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list.
Police Words 400+ Words Related to Police from i.pinimg.com
Below is a massive list of police words that is, words related to police. The top 4 are: military, patrol, sheriff and constable. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by.
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Below is a massive list of the policewords that is, words related to the police. The top 4 are: sting, henry padovani, reggatta de blancand grammy. You can get the definition(s) of a word in.
Source: 7esl.com
Police officer or other government agent who has control, either by force or circumstance. Widely used in the United States, especially among African Americans and prisoners. Popular during.
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DART Police The Police Department dedicated to protecting the Dallas Area Rapid Transit in Texas. Deductive Reasoning A class of Logical Reasoning questions often found on police.
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Synonyms & Near Synonyms for police administrate, conduct, control, direct, govern, guide, manage, operate, preside (over), regulate, run, steward attend, care (for), mind, oversee,.
Source: image.slidesharecdn.com
Best related terms for 'will call the police' related to 'police' are 'call a cop', 'call hpd' and 'call on the carpet'. Search for synonyms and antonyms Classic Thesaurus
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noun lawman synonyms for police Compare Synonyms detective force law enforcement man badge bear blue bluecoat bobby bull constable constabulary cop copper corps fed flatfoot fuzz.
Source: i.etsystatic.com
Law Enforcement and Police Vocabulary Word List (463) A) Abuse, Academy, Accessory, Accidental, Accomplice, Accord, Accused, Action, Administer, Adopt, Affect, Affidavit,.
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Full list of words from this list: words only definitions & notes. barbiturate. organic compound having powerful soporific effect. accessory. a supplementary component that.
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PR: Person reporting, the one notifying the police of an incident; Q. Q: San Quentin State Prison in California; R. RA: Rescue ambulance, term used mostly in Southern.
Source: i1001.photobucket.com
Best related terms for 'set the police' related to 'police' are 'animal police', 'anti-riot police' and 'appeal to police'. Search for synonyms and antonyms Classic Thesaurus
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In this video, we wil learn some daily use words which is used in police department.We will practice some daily use english words with hindi meaning.For More...
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22 rows Top 50 Police Vocabulary to Know. To give support to a theory or finding. “He corroborated the.
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Police Unit and Task Force Acronyms Specialized police units and task force are more commonly known by their acronyms. CHP California Highway Patrol.
Source: cdn.w600.comps.canstockphoto.com
32 rows police officer (common slang) Did somebody here call the cops? criminal record noun: a file that.
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Below is a list of police officers words that is, words related to police officers. The top 4 are: arrest, crime, warrant and police. You can get the definition (s) of a word in the list below by.
Source: www.bestslogans.com
Many police-related slang terms exist for police officers. These terms are rarely used by the police themselves. These terms are rarely used by the police themselves..
Source: image.slidesharecdn.com
'Police' related terms. Best related terms for 'police' are 'checkpoint', 'ambulance chaser' and 'anecdotal evidence'.
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